Thursday, May 19, 2016

Kala saar astaanta qaranka iyo heesta calanka .

Dadbadan waxay isku qaldaan Heesta calanka
iyo astaanta qaranka.
calanku wuxuu leeyahay hees ugooni ah oo kaduwan
Astaanta qaranka .
qormadsn aan uga hdalno astaanta qaranka
madaama ay soo dhawdahay  asbuucii xuriyada(26jun--1julay)
muwaadin waa kugu doqonimo inadan aqoon astaanta qaranka
iyadoo laga yaabo inaad xafidsantahay boqolaal heeso carbeed iyo kuwa kalaba ahi.
Astaanta qaranka waa midda kabilaabata :
“Soomaaliyeey Toos”.
Yaa curiyay .
Maansada jiiftada ah (jiibinteeduna la nudda ah heesta-cawska), ah heesta qaranka, caankana ah ee “Soomaaliyeey toos” waxa hal-abuuray Abwaan Cali Mire Cawaale sanadku markuu ahaa 1947.
 qoraal ahaan  maansada u  akhriso.

Soomaaliyeey toosoo
toosoo isku tiirsada’eey
hadba kiinna taag daraneey
taageera weligiineey

idinkaysu tookhaayoo
idinkaysu taamaayee
adamuu tacliin barayoo
waddankiisa taamyeelyeey

sharcigaysku kiin tolayoo
luuqadaa tu’ waaxidahoo
arligiinna taaka ahoo
kuma kala tegeysaaneey

tiro adhiya oo dhaxalaa
saylad laydin soo tubayoo
ninba toban la meel marayoo
cadowgiin idiin talineey

tuldo geela oo dhacan baad
toogashaw badheedhaanee
ma dhulkaas dhanee tegeybaan
ninna “dhagax” u tuurayneey

qaran aan hubkuu tumayoo
tooreyda dhaafayneeyn
oon taar samayn karihayn
uur-ku-taallo weynaayeey

hadba waxan la taahaayoo
togaggawga ooyaayeey
nin dalkiisi cadow taaboo
u tol waayey baan ahayeey

[hadba waxan la ooyaayoo
ilmadu iiga qubataayoo
ikhtiyaar nin loo diidoo
la addoonsadaan ahayee]

Mahadsanidin: m.jeyte


This poem, indeed in heightened Jiifto form, was composed by Cali Mire Cawaale in 1947. It’s the national anthem for the Republic of Somalia. It has been the most celebrated song in Somali for its patriotic awakening as well as in successfully criticizing the European colonizers that were very much in control of—like almost all nations in Africa—the Somali people’s agenda to rule their lands. In the following, I’ve attempted a rough translation of the song:

O wake up Somalis, wake up
And lean onto one another
Whoever is your weakest
Forever you support him

Quarrelling you may engage
Consoling you may entrust
That man has learned a lot
And his country he improved

Your binder surely is the law
Your language surely is one
Your territory surely is minute
You can’t divide over all of these

A small herd as your inheritance
Is brought before you to have
And equally you share and leave
Without your enemy intervening

For the sake of your looted camels
You face the death to retrieve ‘em
Yet all the missing lands of yours
None throws a “stone” to liberate ‘em

A nation’s weapons they manufacture
That are swords and nothing more
Let alone they make a telegram
What an anxiety, anxiety, big anxiety

Again and again I keep wailing
And from my heart I keep crying
For I’m a man whose country-s taken
By an enemy whom I find no ally [to defeat him]

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